' Reach Records
Verse 1
Look at the state of the world-I'm at the world-I will share my frustration just a little bit/ Every brother is a thug -while they glorifying drugs they look at me bugged cuz I wanna be a gentlemen/ And my ladies are a mess-want value in the dress-in themselves they don't invest -they want significance/ The youngins quote 50-cant count to 50 cent-we promote ignorance-were so illiterate / My Man loving that money to death- really death-he'll kill himself to get him a check/ But he wept about Virginia tech but he sells glocks and tech- please help me understand his intellect
We can talk about taxes and Air pollutions -govt great illusions but that's make-up for the skin/ I don't wanna give problems with no solutions-so I've come to this conclusion- love God and Hate sin/
The Money -Power- Fame-Lies and the games-it's all 'Overrated'
The Lust-Pride-Greed - anything to succeed-its all 'Overrated'
Verse 2
This dude was like I don't feel you to be honest-you should sound more street or hood, even sound more conscious /And also be more liberal with your content-he wanna make me a star so I can fall like a comet/ Im satisfied with the things that God promised- I don't need to chase the steak when I cool with top roman/ If I'm a servant of the - I pay homage-I don't wanna be on top if they put him a the bottom/ Sho you just faking to be humble and poor-in hopes that the LORD will be pleased and bless you with more/ No homie I just keep my face to the floor- when he opens that door my views will be the same as before/ I cant be real commercial with it- non offensive lyrics- get radio spins and give them Jesus later /I wanna walk like the Lord , talk like the Lord, if we live like the lord then the world will hate us/
Clothes-the sex-cars-anything to be stars-its all 'Overrated'
Rage-Hate-Drugs-everybody is a thug-its all 'Overrated'
Verse 3
It can be hard righteous living, with freedom god has given, but we can live in the world and keep our sanity/ You might one day be a star, even drive a nice car, but realize My friend all vanity/ It's the heart at question, who has your affections is it the goods u love or the GOD who made it/ So for my last suggestion, if we've learned any lesson, the worlds the lost game its overrated/
The what-who thing-the rat race for the green-its all
The ohh- uhuh- ahh the blazy blah-its all
Cash, cream, diamonds and bling,

Turn My Life Up
Artist: Sho Baraka- Turn My Life Up
- Interlude The Calling
- Interlude: The Calling
- Music Of Life
- Overrated
- Rebuild The City Ft Cam
- Rebuild the City
- Maranatha Ft Tedashii Json
- Maranatha
- Saint Ft Cam Dillon Chase
- Saint
- Great Day 2 Die Ft Dillavou
- Great Day 2 Die
- Catch Me At The Brook Ft Lecrae
- Catch Me at the Brook
- Higher Love
- Slow It Down Ft Trip Lee
- Slow It Down
- Oh My Lord Ft M Moore R Trotter
- Oh My Lord
- Love Of My Life
- 100
- God Is Like Who Is Like God Ft Amen Cheeks
- God Is Like/Who Is Like God
- Rescue Me You Are My Everything
- Rescue Me/ You Are My Everything
- Be Scientific