Song Lyrics
"Don't ever listen to what they say," you tell me
As you're turning money into your god.
I could see you failing from a long way off.
Why don't you just cut your strings off,
you're turning into a puppet.
I used to look up to you so much,
You've ruined my thoughts toward you.
Why don't you just cut off your strings,
You're taking children down with you.
I wish I could stop you, but you've seen
Seven years of momentum
Your foundation has been ripped straight from under you.
You seek greed by His name.
You've seeked the shaded of green.
Take your "ticket" and burn your lives away
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Album Artwork

Album Tracks
The Journey...So Far
Artist: Society's Finest- 1955
- Six Seconds Left Until Daylight
- Lucky
- Kiss The Girls
- Knife Fight
- Monarch
- Seven Years Of Momentum
- Marshall Reality
- Following The Robertsons
- Dead People
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