Album Tracks
Psalms in His Presence - Year C
Artist: Songs in His Presence
  1. Psalm 25: To You, O Lord I Lift My Soul
  2. Psalm 126: The Lord Has Done Great Things for Us
  3. Isaiah 12: Cry out with Joy and Gladness
  4. Psalm 80: Lord, Make Us Turn to You
  5. Psalm 91: Be with Me, Lord
  6. Psalm 27: The Lord Is My Light (Year C)
  7. Psalm 103: The Lord Is Kind and Merciful (Year C)
  8. Psalm 34: Taste and See ((19, 20 B, Lent C))
  9. Psalm 30: I Will Praise You, Lord
  10. Psalm 100: We Are His People
  11. Psalm 145: I Will Praise Your Name Forever (Year C)
  12. Psalm 67: O God, Let All the Nations Praise You
  13. Psalm 97: The Lord Is King, The Most High (Year C)
  14. Psalm 8: O Lord, Our God, How Wonderful
  15. Psalm 110: You Are a Priest Forever
  16. Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd
  17. Psalm 96: Proclaim His Marvelous Deeds
  18. Psalm 19: Your Words, Lord Are Spirit and Life
  19. Psalm 71: I Will Sing of Your Salvation
  20. Psalm 138: In the Sight
  21. Psalm 1: Blessed Are They Who Hope in the Lord
  22. Psalm 92: Lord, It Is Good to Give Thanks to You
  23. Psalm 117: Go out to All the World
  24. Psalm 32: Lord, Forgive
  25. Psalm 63: My Soul Is Thirsting for You
  26. Psalm 16: You Are My Inheritance (Year C)
  27. Psalm 66: Let All the Earth Cry Out
  28. Psalm 69: Turn to the Lord in Your Need
  29. Psalm 15: He Who Does Justice
  30. Psalm 90: If Today You Hear
  31. Psalm 33: Blessed the People (Year C)
  32. Psalm 40: Lord, Come to My Aid
  33. Psalm 68: God, In Your Goodness
  34. Psalm 51: I Will Rise and Go to My Father
  35. Psalm 113: Praise the Lord, Who Lifts up the Poor
  36. Psalm 146: Praise the Lord, My Soul
  37. Psalm 95: If Today You Hear His Voice
  38. Psalm 98: The Lord Has Revealed to the Nations
  39. Psalm 121: Our Help Is from the Lord
  40. Psalm 34: The Lord Hears the Cry of the Poor
  41. Psalm 17: Lord, When Your Glory Appears
  42. Psalm 98: The Lord Comes to Rule the Earth
  43. Psalm 122: Let Us Go Rejoicing (Year C)
Song Lyrics

"Psalm 98: The Lord Comes to Rule the Earth"

by Songs in His Presence
Album: Psalms in His Presence - Year C

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Album Artwork
Album Tracks
Psalms in His Presence - Year C
Artist: Songs in His Presence
  1. Psalm 25: To You, O Lord I Lift My Soul
  2. Psalm 126: The Lord Has Done Great Things for Us
  3. Isaiah 12: Cry out with Joy and Gladness
  4. Psalm 80: Lord, Make Us Turn to You
  5. Psalm 91: Be with Me, Lord
  6. Psalm 27: The Lord Is My Light (Year C)
  7. Psalm 103: The Lord Is Kind and Merciful (Year C)
  8. Psalm 34: Taste and See ((19, 20 B, Lent C))
  9. Psalm 30: I Will Praise You, Lord
  10. Psalm 100: We Are His People
  11. Psalm 145: I Will Praise Your Name Forever (Year C)
  12. Psalm 67: O God, Let All the Nations Praise You
  13. Psalm 97: The Lord Is King, The Most High (Year C)
  14. Psalm 8: O Lord, Our God, How Wonderful
  15. Psalm 110: You Are a Priest Forever
  16. Psalm 23: The Lord Is My Shepherd
  17. Psalm 96: Proclaim His Marvelous Deeds
  18. Psalm 19: Your Words, Lord Are Spirit and Life
  19. Psalm 71: I Will Sing of Your Salvation
  20. Psalm 138: In the Sight
  21. Psalm 1: Blessed Are They Who Hope in the Lord
  22. Psalm 92: Lord, It Is Good to Give Thanks to You
  23. Psalm 117: Go out to All the World
  24. Psalm 32: Lord, Forgive
  25. Psalm 63: My Soul Is Thirsting for You
  26. Psalm 16: You Are My Inheritance (Year C)
  27. Psalm 66: Let All the Earth Cry Out
  28. Psalm 69: Turn to the Lord in Your Need
  29. Psalm 15: He Who Does Justice
  30. Psalm 90: If Today You Hear
  31. Psalm 33: Blessed the People (Year C)
  32. Psalm 40: Lord, Come to My Aid
  33. Psalm 68: God, In Your Goodness
  34. Psalm 51: I Will Rise and Go to My Father
  35. Psalm 113: Praise the Lord, Who Lifts up the Poor
  36. Psalm 146: Praise the Lord, My Soul
  37. Psalm 95: If Today You Hear His Voice
  38. Psalm 98: The Lord Has Revealed to the Nations
  39. Psalm 121: Our Help Is from the Lord
  40. Psalm 34: The Lord Hears the Cry of the Poor
  41. Psalm 17: Lord, When Your Glory Appears
  42. Psalm 98: The Lord Comes to Rule the Earth
  43. Psalm 122: Let Us Go Rejoicing (Year C)
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