Verse 1
You're just a step away
From giving up your dignity
For just an empty chase
You'll see
How was it not enough ( 2nd time: Was it just too much)
That you had all my love
But still you left 4 hearts to break apart
At the seams
Some day
You will
The day you walked out of my life
Leaving us behind
Enjoy your shallow vain life
My beloved wife (2nd and 3rd time: Explain to your kids why)
Verse 2
Count well your reasons why
That you are giving up inside
For just an empty chase
You'll see
Bridge 1
You feel the pain
When it finally hits you some day
Of these shameful things
That will follow you to the grave
That You can't
No You can't
Bridge 2
You are so vain
It'll come back around some day
And In Your shame
You'll wish you could take it away
But You can't
No You can't