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Album Tracks
Chants of the Russian Emigres, Vol. 3: The Vigil
Artist: St. Peter- Bless the Lord, O My Soul
- Blessed Is the Man
- Lord, I Have Cried Unto Thee, Tone 4
- O Gentle Light
- Vespers Prokeimenon, Tone 6
- St. Simeon
- Rejoice, Virgin Theotokos
- God Is the Lord, Tone 3
- Praise Ye the Name of the Lord
- Troparia of the Resurrection
- Matins Prokeimenon,Tone 1
- Having Beheld the Resurrection
- Post Gospel Stichera
- Irmoi for Theotokion Feasts, Tone 6 - Odes 1, 3, 6, 8. 9
- Magnificat
- Holy Is the Lord Our God, Tone 2
- Great Doxology
- Resurrectional Troparion: Today Salvation...
- Resurrectional Troparion: Having Risen from the Tomb (Znamenny Chant)
- To Thee the Champion Leader (Lesser Znamenny Chant)
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