"What God is as great as our God - Gr Prok"
by St Romanos PressAlbum: Christ Is Risen (Ancient Hymns of the Resurrection
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Christ Is Risen (Ancient Hymns of the Resurrection
Artist: St Romanos Press- Come ye, take light
- Thy Resurrection - Procession Hymn
- Christ is risen from the dead - Apolytikia
- Paschal Canon - Katavasia - Odes 1
- When they who were with Mary - Hypakoe
- Paschal Canon - Katavasia - Odes 4, 5
- Though Thou didst descend - Kontakion
- Paschal Canon - Katavasia - Odes 7, 8
- When Thou hadst fallen asleep - Exapostilarion
- Let God arise - Paschal Stichera
- It is the day of Resurrection - Doxasticon
- The angel cried - Katavasia of 9th Ode
- Partake ye of the Body of Christ - Communion
- Christ is risen from the dead - Slow Apolytikion
- What God is as great as our God - Gr Prok
- Christ is risen from the dead - Greek versions
- From thine unfailing fount - Kontakion
- O Lord, when the disciples - 1st Kathisma
- O Thomas, thou hast searched - Exapostilaria
- The noble Joseph - Apolytikia
- The women brought myrrh - Kathisma Hymn
- Hearken, ye women - Exapostilarion
- Sion heard and was glad - Lord I have cried
- When the feast had divinely - Kathisma Hymn
- The Divine Wisdom - Praises Stichera
- He that eateth My flesh - Communion Hymn
- Though gloomy sin hath rendered blind - Exapostilarion