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Album Tracks
Artist: St. Symeon Orthodox Church- Beginning
- God is the Lord (Tone 4)
- Psalm 50
- Ode I
- Ode III
- After the Third Ode
- Little Litany
- Kathisma Hymn (Tone 2)
- Ode IV
- Ode V
- Ode VI
- After the Sixth Ode
- Litany of Supplication
- Steadfast Protectress, From My Youth
- The Prokeimenon (Tone 4)
- The Gospel
- After the Gospel
- Ode VII
- Ode VIII
- Ode IX
- It Is Truly Meet
- Megalynaria
- Final Troparia
- Ending
- The Svetilen
- It Is Truly Meet (Mt. Athos Melody)
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