"In the Image of God (Gen 1:27 KJV)"
by Stephen ElkinsAlbum: Hidden in My Heart Scripture Memory Songs KJV, Vol
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Hidden in My Heart Scripture Memory Songs KJV, Vol
Artist: Stephen Elkins- Theme Song (Hidden in My Heart)
- The Creation (Gen 1:1 KJV)
- In the Image of God (Gen 1:27 KJV)
- Keep the Ten Commandments (Exod 20:1-17 KJV)
- Listen, O Israel (Deut 6:5 KJV)
- We Will Serve the Lord (Josh 24:15 KJV)
- To Obey (1 Sam 15:22 KJV)
- The Lord Is Your Strength (Neh 8:10 KJV)
- The Heavens Declare (Ps 19:1 KJV)
- My Rock, My Redeemer (Ps 19:14 KJV)
- The 23rd Psalm (Ps 23:1-6 KJV)
- The Word of the Lord (Ps 33:4 KJV)
- Do Good (Ps 37:3-4 KJV)
- Give Your Burdens (Ps 55:22 KJV)
- Wisdom (Ps 111:10 KJV)
- I Love the Lord (Ps 116:1 KJV)
- We Will Rejoice (Ps 118:24 KJV)
- Your Word Is in My Heart (Ps 119:11 KJV)
- A Lamp to Guide My Feet (Ps 119:105 KJV)
- Brick by Brick (Ps 127:1 KJV)
- Wonderfully Made (Ps 139:14 KJV)
- Joyful (Ps 144:15 KJV)
- Sing Praises (Ps 147:1 KJV)
- Trust (Prov 3:5-6 KJV)
- Guard Your Heart (Prov 4:23 KJV)
- Joy to the Heart (Prov 15:30 KJV)
- A Strong Fortress (Prov 18:10 KJV)
- Train ?Em Up (Prov 22:6 KJV)
- Don?t Forget (Eccl 12:1 KJV)
- A Child Is Born (Isa 9:6 KJV)
- Perfect Peace (Isa 26:3 KJV)
- Like Eagles (Isa 40:31 KJV)
- I Am with You (Isa 41:10 KJV)
- That Is My Name (Isa 42:8 KJV)
- My Daddy Made It So (Isa 44:20 KJV)
- Plans (Jer 29:11 KJV)
- Faithful Love (Lam 3:22-23 KJV)