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![Sir Bernard The Good Knight! Album Artwork](
Sir Bernard The Good Knight!
Artist: Steve Green- Sir Bernard Theme Song
- Dialogue 1: Bernard Meets Little Dog
- Good Is Good
- Dialogue 2: Stranger Approaches
- Friendly To The End
- Dialogue 3: Little Dog
- Dialogue 3: Little Dog's Disobedience
- O Boy, My Boy, Obey
- Dialogue 4: Little Dog Is Rich
- Every Minute, Every Penny
- Dialogue 5: Little Dog Learns Courtesy
- Common Courtesies
- Dialogue 6: An Honorary Cat
- On Your Honor
- Dialogue 7: The Collywobbles
- Kindest Kind
- Dialogue 8: Pooshus To The Doctor
- Serve An Extra Helping
- Dialogue 9: Dragon-Fightin
- Dialogue 9: Dragon-Fightin' Jitters
- An Earful Of Cheerful
- Dialogue 10: Preparing For Battle
- Be Brave! Be Brave! Be Brave!
- Dialogue 11: The Battle Is Joined
- Loyal-T
- Dialogue 12: News Of The Feast
- Launder, Lather, Swab
- Dialogue 13: We
- My Reverence
- Dialogue 14: Honors At The Banquet
- Good Is Good (Reprise)
- Dialogue 15: Conclusion
- Sir Bernard Theme Song (Reprise)
- Sir Bernard Read-Along Story