"Here Is Love, Vast As The Ocean"
by Swansea Gospel Male Voice ChoirAlbum: The Hymn Makers: Welsh Revival Hymns (Guide Me O T
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The Hymn Makers: Welsh Revival Hymns (Guide Me O T
Artist: Swansea Gospel Male Voice Choir- Onward March, All-Conquering Jesus
- Great Providence Of Heaven
- Speak, I Pray Thee, Gentle Jesus!
- The Enormous Load Of Human Guilt
- O Mighty Lord
- Jesus, Jesus, All-Sufficient
- I Saw A New Vision Of Jesus
- And It Was For My Sin
- Nid Wy
- Nid Wy'n Gofyn Bywyd Moethus
- Here Is Love, Vast As The Ocean
- O
- O'er The Gloomy Hills Of Darkness
- Mighty Christ From Time Eternal
- Great Is The Gospel Of Our Glorious God
- Guide Me O Thou Great Jehova