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Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Mezmur
Artist: Tewahedo Mezmur- Tirut Be Fikir (feat. Tadewos Awugchew)
- BeEfrata (feat. Artist Yegerem Dejene
- Ye Berhaw Guzo
- Elias (feat. Artist Yegerem Dejene
- Berai Nehe
- Enate Mariam (feat. Artist Yegerem Dejene
- Zelesegna Melaket
- Hiyaw Naw (feat. Artist Yegerem Dejene
- Mar Mar Alew (feat. Mirtnesh Tilahun)
- Komkugne (feat. Artist Yegerem Dejene
- Amanuel (feat. Diaqon Ezra)
- Lemita (feat. Artist Yegerem Dejene
- Ye Berhaw Guzo (feat. Zerfe Kebede)
- Mesqel (feat. Artist Yegerem Dejene
- Andit Alem (feat. Zerfe Kebede)
- Michael (feat. Artist Yegerem Dejene
- Cherinetih New Yaderesegn (feat. Yigerem Dejene)
- Selate (feat. Artist Yegerem Dejene
- Mezmur Dedicated to Isis Martyrs (feat. Zemari Habtamu)
- Yagegnhut (feat. Artist Yegerem Dejene
- Yedekemuten
- Memot Yelem (feat. Zemarit Mirtnesh Tilahun)
- Abe Yetekelewe
- Anurognal Cherinetih (feat. Zemarit Mirtnesh Tilahun)
- Amelake Mesgana
- Yeneoh Kalkidan (feat. Zemarit Mirtnesh Tilahun)
- Be Enba Sheleqo
- BeEnba Farse Lay Honeh (feat. Zemarit Mirtnesh Tilahun)
- Begene Ye Nohe
- Tilantina Kante Gar (feat. Zemarit Mirtnesh Tilahun)
- Del Beqeranio
- Rakeb (feat. Zemarit Mirtnesh Tilahun)
- Egziabher
- Abetu Lante (feat. Zemarit Mirtnesh Tilahun)
- Geta Tegegne
- O Endante Yale Wodaj (feat. Zemarit Mirtnesh Tilahun)
- Keberie
- Kidus Michael (feat. Zemarit Mirtnesh Tilahun)
- Mariam Emiye
- Mikenyat Selalegne (feat. Zemarit Mirtnesh Tilahun)
- Mariam
- Mene Baderglet
- Micheal Derese
- Neye Mariam
- Weha
- Yategebkegne
- Yesemay Amelake
- Enem Tewuled (feat. Zamari Gebre Yohannes Gebre Tsadik)
- Zelesegna Awaje
- Zelesegna Menewe Wedaje
- Eyesus Lebelhe
- Ye Tewahedo Mezmur
- Dej Tenahu Koyiche Kidane Mihiretini
- BaleTsega Emebet (feat. Yegerem Dejene)
- Getaye Ketesetgne Alferam (feat. Tedros)
- Keweleta Belay New Yante Wileta
- Seregelawocheh Ye Esat Nachew (feat. Mertnesh Mezmur)
- Ye Gebetse Ketemoch (feat. Mertnesh Mezmur)
- Anurognal Cherenetih (feat. Mirtnesh Tilahun)
- Kudus Michael (feat. Mirtnesh Tilahun)
- Yetsadeq Sewe Tselot
- Getaye Hoy (feat. Mirtnesh Tilahun)
- BeMoges Kedeme
- Eyamenkuh Lmut (feat. Habtamu)
- Be Gilt Ymetal (feat. Mirtnesh Tilahun)
- Wleta Alebin (feat. Mirtnesh Tilahun)
- Egziabhere Tamagn New (feat. Zemari Ephrem Asefa)
- Tnbitachew Nesh Yenebiyat (feat. Zemari Habtamu)
- Malkebrew Ewenet (feat. Zerfe Kebde
- Mezmur
- Ale Bemengstu (feat. Zemarit Mekdes)
- Tewe Alem Temelese
- Yonatanem Wededewe
- Zelesegna Medina
- Metegiya Wubua Bete (feat. Zemari Robel Mathewos)
- Ende Min Chalishw (feat. Mirtnesh Tilahun)
- Zerfe Mezmure (feat. Zerefe Kebede)
- Yalante Lene Mane Lihonegne (feat. Mirtenesh Tilahun)
- Selamae Bante New Yene Geta
- Le Egeziher Eje Setu (feat. Shimelis Abera Joro)
- Mezmur Hulet (feat. Mirtnesh Tilahun)
- Mezmur Ahadu (feat. Mirtnesh Tilahun)
- Ken Yasgonebisal (feat. Zerfe Kebede)
- Aleresawum (feat. Zemari Muluken)
- KeHonew Hulu Belay New Hazen Cheneketu (feat. Fikadu Amare)
- Amalagetu Hoy (feat. Zamari Gebre Yohannes Gebere Tsadik)
- Kef Kef Bele (feat. Zamari Gebre Yohannes Gebere Tsadik)