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Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Mezmur, Vol. 3
Artist: Tewahedo Mezmur- Hulem Yegaredkegne
- Kebere Bemekidese
- Keberie
- Keste Demn Nesh
- Kidist Arserma
- Kiraleson
- Lebego Honal
- Lemengde Fana
- Mane Beye Lansew Semeh
- Manew Endante
- Mariam Emiye
- Mariam Neye Mariam
- Mariam
- Mene Baderglet
- Min Yiohon Wuletash
- EgziAbher Sew Aytilem (feat. Mirtnesh)
- Negese Yene Geta
- Semeshin Anesalew
- Tasrehal Lene
- Telemagne Geta
- Temsegen
- Legetaye (feat. Zemari Tewodros Yosef)
- Getayen Bekaskut (feat. Zemari Tewodros Yosef)
- Be Fikeru Bezat (feat. Tewodros Yosef)
- Egiabern Terhut (feat. Tewodros Yosef)
- Yetsadeq Sewe Tselot
- Almarerim (feat. Yilma Hailu)
- Enem Tewuled Negne (feat. Zamari Gebre Yohannis Gebre Tsadik)
- EgziAbiher Hoy (feat. Yilma Hailu)
- Enen (feat. Yilma Hailu)
- Ewnet Silehone (feat. Yilma Hailu)
- Maren (feat. Yilma Hailu)
- Sirah Bizu (feat. Yilma Hailu)
- Ye Kistos Demtsu (feat. Yilma Hailu)
- Almarerihem (feat. Zemari Deacon Tadios Girma)
- Wededewe
- Befiker Lazimeh (feat. Zemari Tewodros Yosef)
- Be Bethlehem (feat. Zamari Gebre Yohannes Tsadik)
- Hayalu Micheal (feat. Zamari Gebre Yohannes Tsadik)
- Zelesegna Awaje
- Zelesegna Medina
- Zelesegna Melaket
- Zelesegna Wedaje
- Enenageralen (feat. Zemari Selomon Abubeker)
- Gebriel (feat. Zemari Tewodros Yosef)
- Hule Alew Belegne (feat. Zemari Tewodros Yosef)
- Beberhan Sedale (feat. Zemari Yilma Hailu)
- Tekle Haimanot (feat. Zemari Yosef)
- Yeshomkgne Betsega
- Yesemay Amelake