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Freed!, Vol. 1
Artist: The Bible in Living Sound- In the Beginning
- Second and Third Days of Creation
- Fourth and Fifth Days of Creation
- Land Animals Created
- Adam Created
- Adam
- Eve Is Tempted
- Adam Accepts Forbidden Fruit
- Driven from the Garden
- The Promise of Salvation
- Cain and Abel
- Enoch and Methuselah
- Noah Builds an Ark
- The Animals Enter the Ark
- Noah?s Final Invitation
- The Flood
- On Mount Ararat
- The Tower of Babel
- The Boy Abram
- Abraham Leaves for Canaan
- The Caravan at Haran
- Famine in Canaan
- Abraham and Lot Divide Land
- Abraham Rescues Lot
- Children Like the Stars
- Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed
- Hagar and Ishmael
- Abraham Offers Isaac
- Rebekah Chosen as Isaac?s Wife
- Isaac a True Friend
- Esau?s Birthright Sold
- Jacob Leaves Home
- Jacob?s Ladder
- Jacob Works for a Wife
- Jacob Moves to Canaan
- Jacob Wrestles with an Angel
- Joseph, the Favorite Son
- Joseph and His Dreams
- Joseph Sold Into Egypt
- Joseph Unjustly Accused
- Joseph in Prison
- Joseph Called Before Pharaoh
- Joseph?s Brothers Come to Egypt
- Joseph Sends for Benjamin
- Joseph Makes Himself Known
- Jacob Comes to Live in Egypt
- Jacob Foretells Return to Canaan
- Joseph Loyal to God and Family
- Israel Oppressed
- Moses Hidden by His Mother
- Moses Trained as a Prince
- Moses Flees for His life
- Moses at the Burning Bush
- God?s Seven Promises
- Frogs in the Land
- Darkness Over Egypt
- The Passover
- On the Way to Freedom
- Israel Goes Through the Red Sea
- The Egyptian Army Destroyed
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