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Album Tracks
Saved!, Vol. 5
Artist: The Bible in Living Sound- Prophets and Angels Foretell Birth
- Thou Shalt Call His Name Jesus
- The Birth of Jesus
- Shepherds See His Star
- Jesus Blessed By Simeon
- The Wise Men Visit
- The Flight Into Egypt
- Jesus' Boyhood In Nazareth
- The Passover Feast
- Jesus With the Teachers
- Jesus Missing from the Caravan
- Days and Years In Nazareth
- John, the Voice In the Wilderness
- Jesus Baptized
- Jesus Tempted In the Wilderness
- The Sanhedrin Questions John
- The Calling of Five Disciples
- Wine From Water
- Jesus Cleanses the Temple
- Jesus and Nicodemus
- John and His Disciples
- A Samaritan Woman at the Well
- The Nobleman's Son
- A Cripple Healed At Bethesda
- John Imprisoned
- The Death of John
- The Kingdom of God Is At Hand
- The Carpenter's Son
- Fishers of Men
- A Madman Healed
- Jesus Heals A Leper
- Jesus Heals A Paralyzed Man
- The Calling of Levi-Matthew
- In A Grain Field; A Hand Healed
- The Calling of the Twelve
- The Sermon on the Mount
- Treasures In Heaven
- The Two House Builders
- The Centurion's Servant Healed
- Jesus Raises a Widow's Son
- Jesus' Mother and Brothers
- The Parable of the Sower
- The Kingdom of Heaven
- Jesus Calms the Storm
- Two Wild Men Made Well
- The Healing of Jairus' Daughter
- The Chosen Twelve Sent Out
- The Lord's Prayer
- Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
- Jesus Walks on the Water
- A Problem In Galilee
- Overcoming Tradition
- A Woman's Faith
- The Demand For A Miracle
- Jesus the Rock
- Jesus Talks With Moses and Elijah
- The Boy With the Mute Spirit
- Jesus and the Tax Collector
- Who Is the Greatest?
- Jesus At the Feast of Tabernacles
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