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Reclaimed!, Vol. 6
Artist: The Bible in Living Sound- Division Among the People
- Jesus Writes In the Sand
- Jesus Reproves Unbelieving Jews
- Jesus Heals A Man Born Blind
- The Parable of the Sheepfold
- Samaritan Village Refuses Jesus
- Jesus Sends Out the Seventy
- The Return of the Seventy
- The Good Samaritan
- Jesus Teaches
- The Parable of the Great Feast
- The Prodigal Son
- The Ten Lepers
- The Widow and the Judge
- The Pharisee and the Publican
- The Rich Young Man
- Lazarus Brought to Life
- Jesus Heals A Blind Beggar
- A Plot to Kill Jesus
- Zacchaeus, the Tax Collector
- Jesus and Zacchaeus
- Jesus Anointed At Bethany
- The Triumphal Entry
- The Barren Fig Tree
- The Temple Cleansed Again
- Jesus Answers Questions
- Scribes and Pharisees Denounced
- The Grecians Meet Jesus
- Jesus Foretells the Future
- Parable of the Ten Maidens
- The Parable of the Three Servants
- Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus
- Jesus Eats the Passover Meal
- The Lord's Supper
- Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit
- I Am the Vine
- Gethsemane
- Jesus Betrayed-Arrested-Forsaken
- Jesus Before Annas
- Jesus Before the Council
- Peter Denies Jesus
- The Death of Judas
- Jesus Taken to Pilate
- Jesus Before Herod
- Jesus Sent Back to Pilate
- Crucify Him
- A Promise to A Thief
- Jesus' Care for His Mother
- Jesus' Death
- They Pierce His Side
- Laid In the Tomb
- The Lord Is Risen!
- A False Report
- Jesus Appears to Mary
- The Walk to Emmaus
- Jesus Appears to His Disciples
- Doubting Thomas
- By the Sea Once More
- Go, Teach All Nations
- Jesus Is Taken Up to Heaven
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