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![Delivered!, Vol. 7 Album Artwork](
Delivered!, Vol. 7
Artist: The Bible in Living Sound- An Appraisal of Jesus
- Discussion of Jesus' Death
- In the Upper Room
- The Choosing of Mathias
- Pentecost
- Peter's Sermon
- Many Added to the Church
- A Lame Man's Faith
- A Lame Man Healed
- Repent and Be Baptized
- Peter and John Imprisoned
- Peter and John Threatened
- The Church Prays
- The Sin of Ananias and Sapphira
- The Apostles Persecuted
- Gamaliel's Pleas for Justice
- Seven Deacons Appointed
- Stephen Accused of Blasphemy
- Stephen Answers Accusations
- Stephen Stoned to Death
- Saul Persecutes the Church
- Philip, the Deacon
- Simon, the Sorcerer
- An Ethiopian Man Baptized
- Saul Is Converted
- Saul Is Blind
- Saul Preaches Christ
- The Disciples Fear Saul
- Peter Raises Dorcas
- Cornelius Sends for Peter
- Peter In Vision
- Receiving the Holy Spirit
- Peter Reports to the Church
- The Church at Antioch
- Peter Arrested
- Peter Delivered from Prison
- Peter Goes to Mary's Home
- Herod Exalted; Dies
- Barnabas and Saul Chosen
- In Antioch of Pisidia
- The Gentiles Believe
- In Iconium
- Miracles In Lystra
- Paul Is Stoned
- Jew and Gentile
- Timothy Joins Paul
- Come Over to Macedonia
- The Young Girl Fortune-teller
- Paul and Silas Put In Prison
- Witnessing In Prison
- Delivered from Prison
- In Thessalonica
- Paul In Berea
- Paul Preaches In Athens
- Paul In Corinth
- A Letter to the Thessalonians
- In Ephesus and Corinth
- The Gift of the Spirit
- The Seven Sons of Sceva
- Great is Diana