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Album Tracks
Rescued!, Vol. 4
Artist: The Bible in Living Sound- Elisha Captures An Army
- Samaria Besieged By Syria
- An Axhead Floats
- Elisha and King Joash
- Singing to Victory
- An Heir Hid In the Temple
- Funds for the Temple
- Leaders in Israel
- Azariah, Berechiah, Jehizkiah
- Hezekiah Cleans the Temple
- Hezekiah
- Storehouses of Blessings
- Samaria Falls to the Assyrians
- The Vision of Isaiah
- Jerusalem Defended
- The Sun Turns Back For Hezekiah
- An Unfortunate Show of Wealth
- Manasseh Rules Over Judah
- Good King Josiah
- Jeremiah the Prophet
- Judah
- Jeremiah Accused of Treason
- Jerusalem Besieged
- Jerusalem Destroyed
- Four Captive Boys
- Nebuchadnezzar
- Daniel Reveals the Dream
- The Dream
- Daniel Tells the Future
- Condemned to the Fiery Furnace
- Nebuchadnezzar Goes Mad
- Belshazzar
- Daniel In the Lions
- Daniel
- The Future Revealed to Daniel
- Cyrus Decrees Israel
- From Babylon to Palestine
- Back to Jerusalem
- Work on the Temple Hindered
- The Temple Completed
- Ezra Comes to Jerusalem
- Nehemiah At Jerusalem
- Nehemiah
- Reorganized For Work
- Nehemiah, A Man With A Purpose
- A Great Work for God
- A Revival of Godliness
- Job
- What Job Didn
- Job, Tried and True
- Jonah Swallowed By A Fish
- Jonah Warns Ninevah
- Jonah Under the Gourd
- An Orphan Girl
- Esther Becomes Queen
- Haman Hates Mordecai
- Esther Helps In A Crisis
- The Queen
- Haman
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