Know I love you, I think you're so good,
I like the people in my neighbourhood,
My mother was an engineer, my daddy is a healer,
And everybody gathered here: wheelers, dealers.
Lovers, depravers,
Freers, enslavers,
Clowns, wicked sayers,
Kissers and betrayers.
Bones and ladder somehow rhyming,
Man of sorrows hanging, Iscariot swinging - a curious polarity,
Finders, weepers,
Why have you forsaken me'
Losers, keepers.
Lovers, depravers,
Freers, enslavers,
Clowns, wicked sayers,
Kissers and betrayers,
Saviours, deniers,
Prophets, impliers,
Well wishers, liars,
Killers, death deifiers,
Killers, death deifiers.
I light a candle well before dark,
They tell me jesters hide out in the park,
I never was a cautious man,
My brother is a broker,
And everybody in the band: jokers, fire-stokers.
Lovers, depravers,
Freers, enslavers,
Clowns, wicked sayers,
Kissers and betrayers,
Saviours, deniers,
Prophets, impliers,
Well wishers, liars,
Killers, death deifiers,
Killers, death deifiers.
(Hey Louie. You guys got to remember, in the verse of this song, everybody take one side of your ear and go like this really fast. Like that. It kind of gets the studio effect happening when you go...take one ear, finger in one ear and go like this.)
(You can get your own tremolo time that way.)
(You figure out the time. You got to keep in time with Steve though, or you're gonna screw it all up.)
(I'm gonna lose it.)
(Here's a song for all the lovebirds in the audience.)