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Ethiopian Protestant Mezmur, Vol. 12
Artist: The Christians- Semh Naw
- Balefkubet Menged
- Selame Nah
- Endegna
- Teliq Nah
- Behiwot Alew
- Enoralew
- Fiker
- Lemteligne
- Ameletkugne
- Amelkih Alew
- Mogese
- Min Yedenqal
- Oromiffa
- Altezegam
- Maregnina
- Yanoral
- Melkam Zemen New
- Abab Gari
- Bamesegin
- Atsinagnie
- Kibir Naw Legetaye
- Kena Bel
- E
- Hulum Talefena
- Mogesachin Neh
- Tamir Yiseral
- Lejenet
- Yedankubet Fiker
- Almotim Legeta Zemere
- Ante Beserahew
- Anten Lemamesgen
- Qwbat Yezalew
- Kebir Yehun
- Hulum Alefena
- Nefesn Atawulat
- Endaleh Yengerugnal
- Lene Gin
- Megegnetun Lene
- Esewalh Alew
- Temesgen Getaye
- Asebat Ebakhin
- Hulum Teshenefe
- Lemenayen Sema
- Talaq Dinq
- Bemedir Lay
- Lehulum Mekari
- Kebereket Medir
- Anten Tamigne