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God has blessed you and He will continue to.
![Ethiopian Protestant Mezmur, Vol. 5 Album Artwork](
Ethiopian Protestant Mezmur, Vol. 5
Artist: The Christians- Adanegn (feat. Alazar Siltan)
- Addis Fitret (feat. Bethlehem Engida)
- Addis Fitrat (feat. Nahom Markos)
- Ale Bemaderiyaw (feat. Bole Shibsheba Choir)
- Amogagisewalew (feat. Feven Berhanu)
- Ante Tay (feat. Bole Shibsheba Choir)
- Astawashe (feat. Yoftahe Nigusse)
- Bakka Dursaa Qabdaa (feat. Tasfaa Tamasgen)
- Be Wengel Alafrim (feat. Araya Yosief)
- Begeta Des Yilegnal (feat. Dagmawi Tilahun)
- Beza Honelin (feat. Feven Berhanu)
- Ejochu Lay (feat. Yoftahe Nigusse)
- Endet Honelign (feat. Shimelis Filate)
- Enkuan Anten Aweku (feat. Kefa Mideksa)
- Ere Endante (feat. Feven Berhanu)
- Eyalefe Nw (feat. Gedion Shiferaw)
- Furii Ilmaan Nama Oromiffa Mezmur (feat. Anbase Chali)
- Geta Yene Kefita (feat. Nathrate Shibsheba Choir)
- Helewena (feat. Abriham Bedada, Yidnekachew
- Kemesgenika (feat. Abrham Woldehawariat)
- Menfes Kidus (feat. Binyam Wale, Kiddy
- Mesganaye (feat. Fitsum Endale)
- Mogese Neh Eyesuse (feat. Shimeles Filate)
- Yihewuna Libe (feat. Yosef Kassa)
- Yilewutal (feat. Shimelis Filate)