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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

Ethiopian Protestant Mezmur, Vol. 3
Artist: The Christians- Yehe New Edziabher (feat. Bruktawit Assefa, Geta Yawkal Girmay
- Awekalehu (feat. Eyerusalem Negiya)
- Gedeb Alew (feat. Lili Tilahun)
- Kiber Yihun (feat. Endale Woldegiorgis)
- Laytewogne Qal Gebtual (feat. Meskerem Getu)
- Yene Egziabher (feat. Lily Tilahun)
- Amalage (feat. Meskerem Getu)
- Eketelihalew (feat. Meskerem Getu)
- MeThuq Neh (feat. Meskerem Getu)
- Temesgen (feat. Meskerem Getu)
- Tesfaw Bruh Naw (feat. Meskerem Getu)
- Yene Nager (feat. Meskerem Getu)
- Mesretu Fekir (feat. Meskerem Getu)
- Misgana Yibza (feat. Mihret Etefa)
- Melkam Neh (feat. Samuel Tekle Michael)
- Selam Naw (feat. Teddy Tadesse)
- Eleleta Wota (feat. Teddy Tadesse)
- Eyesus Medagna (feat. Teddy Tadesse)