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![Ethiopian Protestant Mezmur Album Artwork](
Ethiopian Protestant Mezmur
Artist: The Christians- Mezmur Eight (feat. Abi)
- Eski Andsew (feat. Addisalem Asefa)
- Enes Eyesus (feat. Addisalem Asefa)
- Mezmur (feat. Adisalem Assefa
- Alresawm
- Alwedihem (feat. Anan Dassalegn)
- Zelalemen Inka (feat. Anan Dessalegn)
- Are Sintu
- Yeyaz BeGebena (feat. Asegid Abebe, Zeki Getachew
- Mezmur Three (feat. Betelehem Tamerat)
- Mezmur Two (feat. Betelehem Tamerat
- Mezmur Four (feat. Betty Tezer
- Mezmur Five (feat. Binyam Wale)
- Zemen Meta (feat. Binyam Wale
- Ante Neh Getaye (feat. Dagi Tilahun)
- Mezmur Six (feat. Eden Emiru)
- Eregnaye (feat. Efrem Alemu)
- Kindu Newu (feat. Ephrem Alemu)
- Be Misgana (feat. Eyerusalem Negiya)
- BeMehireth Tekelye (feat. Feven Berhanu)
- Gospel 2
- Leyet Yilal (Dink New) [feat. Hana Tekle]
- Temesgen (feat. Hana Tekle)
- Mezmur Seven (feat. Hana Tekle)
- Yalemknyat (feat. Hana Tekle)
- Yerotulten (feat. Hana Tekle)
- Tefechie Nebere (feat. Jossi Kassa)
- Hilme Sefer Ayikerim (feat. Jossy Sileshi)
- Hulu Yisma (feat. Kefa Mideksa)
- Gosepel (feat. Meleket Ayitenal)
- Fikir Naw Lene (feat. Meskerem Getu)
- Selamta Wede Bet Geba (feat. Meskerem Getu)
- Eketelehalehu (feat. Meskerem Getu)
- Fikr (feat. Meskerem Getu)
- Kantegara (feat. Meskerem Getu)
- Live Concert (feat. Meskerem Getu)
- Min Alegne (feat. Meskerem Getu)
- Yene Hager (feat. Meskerem Getu)
- Mikniyate Bizu New
- Wedhalew (feat. Rozi)
- Mezmur Nine (feat. Samuel Negussie)
- YeZimare Gize Derese (feat. Suraphel Demissie)
- Enayalen Gena (feat. Teddy Tadesse)
- Mezmur Ten (feat. Tekeste Getnet)
- Zemenen Yesetihut (feat. Temesgen Markos)
- Mezmur Eleven (feat. Tesfaye Chala)
- Bedemu Antsetosh (feat. Tesfaye Gabiso)
- Teshager Yalew
- Yalegn Fikir (feat. Tewodros Tadesse)
- Mezmur Twleve (feat. Tibebu Workeye)
- Asadegegne (feat. Tigist Ejigu)
- Geta Eredate (feat. Yohannes Bekele
- Yinded Esatu (feat. Yosef Bekele)