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![Ethiopian Protestant Mezmur, Vol. 2 Album Artwork](
Ethiopian Protestant Mezmur, Vol. 2
Artist: The Christians- Selamta Wedebeta Geba (feat. Mskerem Getu)
- Ene Yemamnew (feat. Addisalem Assefa)
- Geta New (feat. Addis Alem Assefa)
- Yetebekut Geta Dinget Yemetal (feat. Addis Alem Assefa)
- Ye Tsion Teguaze Negne (feat. Agegnehu Yideg)
- Abate Neh (feat. Akalu Welde Hana)
- Ayeselchem Fitu (feat. Asegid Abebe
- Kante Gar Lismama (feat. Betty Tezera)
- Getaye Alegne (feat. Betty Tezera)
- Mihretun Saseb (feat. Betty Tezera)
- Ye EgziAbiher Egoch (feat. Betty Tezera)
- Ye Emnet Abatoch (feat. Betty Tezera)
- Yene Geta New (feat. Betty Tezera)
- Bante New (feat. Dagi Tilahun)
- Geta Naw Yeyazkut (feat. Dagi Tilahun)
- Ategebe Honeh Tinafikegnaleh (feat. Endale Welde Giorgis)
- Hiyaw Mench (feat. Endale Welde Giorgis)
- Lamelkih Yetegebah (feat. Endale Welde Giorgis)
- Yan Amet Eyasatawekugne (feat. Endale Welde Giorgis)
- Selam New (feat. Hana Tekle)
- YeKalih Fichi Yaberal (feat. Hana Tekle)
- Yezelalem Fetari (feat. Hana Tekle)
- Athidibgn (feat. Jossy Kassa)
- Fiker Neh (feat. Josh Kassa)
- Lebe Tsena (feat. Tekeste Getnet)
- Atirakegn Lafta (feat. Temesgen Markos)
- Ya MelkamNetiH (feat. Yidnekachew Teka)
- Na Ke Fete Hun Eyesus (feat. Yidnekachew Teka)
- Zemre Maltegbew
- Hilme Sefer Aykerem (feat. Yosef Seleshi)