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![Amharic Protestant Mezmur Album Artwork](
Amharic Protestant Mezmur
Artist: The Christians- Bemeqdesu Ale
- Talaq Geta Amelkalew
- Adagne Naw Yeesus
- Yehulu Negus
- Endesu Yale Wodaj
- Endaglelih Eshalew
- Elelelele
- Yehiwot Wuha
- Amlake Eregnaye Naw
- Ewnetegna Menfes
- Komet Yadenal
- Ene Anten Amnalew
- Fitihn Eshalew
- Kibir Lante Naw
- Adagne Nah
- Fitretat Bemulu
- Lezelalem Adanegne
- Lante Geta Enzemralen
- Awage Awage
- Ante Becha Neges
- Qalu Hulu Tefetsemul
- Lela Min Elalew
- Kidus
- Endegna Misgana
- Ejig Beza
- Endamelkew Feqdolignal
- Geta Gulbetam Neh
- Wodante Yemtutin
- Zemrawun Ezemeralw
- Yenefse Timat
- Yebeza
- Meketaye Naw Geta
- Ende Qalih
- Yechilal Yene Geta
- Yenen Hasab Yichew
- Alegne Wodaje
- Engeda Negne Enes
- Hulunem Aseresagne
- Ale Besemay
- Zuryayen Yezotal
- Degnalew Amelchalew
- Ande Areken Kirstos
- Lemenem Asalfo Aysetim
- Enema
- Eyesu Semhin Eterawalew