"Hodie Christus Natus Est (Arr. by Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck"
by The Kantorei of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort WayneAlbum: The Seminary Kantorei Through the Church Year
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The Seminary Kantorei Through the Church Year
Artist: The Kantorei of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne- Opening Sentences
- Hark A Thrilling Voice (Arr. by David Schack)
- Zion Hears the Watchman Singing (Arr. by Dietrich Buxtehude)
- The Lord At First Did Adam Make (Arr. by Ralph Vaughan Williams)
- O Come O Come Emmanuel (Arr. by Thomas Helmore / Hoelty-Nickel)
- Lo, How A Rose (Arr. by Michael Praetorius)
- Hodie Christus Natus Est (Arr. by Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck
- We Praise, O Christ (Arr. by Henry V. Gerike)
- With All Thy Hosts (Arr. by Richard C. Resch)
- O Holy Child (Arr. by Michael Cox)
- See What Love Hath the Father
- Come Thou Bright and Morning Star (Arr. by Adolf Strube)
- O Morning Star (Arr. by Johann Sebastian Bach)
- O Chief of Cities (Arr. by Henry V. Gerike)
- O Gracious Light (Arr. by Henry V. Gerike)
- In Thee is Gladness (Arr. by Daniel J. Werning)
- Abide With Us (Arr. by David Schack)
- Salvation Unto Us Has Come (Arr. by Daniel J. Werning)
- Christ to Thee be Glory (Arr. by Fred L. Precht)
- At the Lamb's High Feast (Arr. by Richard C. Resch)