"Let Our Gladness Know No End (Arr. by Adolph Strube)"
by The Kantorei of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort WayneAlbum: O Sing Unto the Lord!
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O Sing Unto the Lord!
Artist: The Kantorei of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne- Wake Awake (Arr. for Organ and Brass by Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Let Our Gladness Know No End (Arr. by Adolph Strube)
- The Holly and the Ivy (Arr. by John Rutter)
- O Jesus So Sweet (Arr. by Johann Sebastian Bach)
- In Dulci Jubilo (Arr. by Michael Praetorius)
- In Peace and Joy I Now Depart (Arr. by Michael Praetorius)
- Almighty Father in Your Son (Arr. by Herman Stern)
- How Brightly Shines the Morning Star (Arr. by Michael Praetorius)
- Good Christian Friends Rejoice and Sing
- Awake Thou Wintry Earth (Arr. by Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Sound the Trumpet (Arr. by Henry Purcell)
- Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands (Arr. by Richard Wienhorst)
- O filii et filliae (Arr. by Volkmar Leisring)
- Now Let My Soul Rejoice (Arr. by Michael Praetorius)
- All Glory Be to God on High (Arr. by Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Praise to the Lord the Almighty (Arr. by Johann Sebastian Bach)
- O Sing Unto the Lord (Arr. by James Turle)
- Let All Together Praise Our God (Arr. by Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Infant Holy, Infant Lowly (Arr. by David Willcocks)
- The Blessed Son of God (Arr. by Ralph Vaughan Williams)