"Moonlight Sonata, (Wind in the Trees)"
by The London Fox PlayersAlbum: Creations Praise - Classics (Favorite Classical Mu
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Creations Praise - Classics (Favorite Classical Mu
Artist: The London Fox Players- Prelude in C (Gentle Stream)
- Gymnopedie No. 3 (Rain Forest Birds)
- Canon in D (Sea
- The Swan, (Mountain Bay)
- Chanson De Matin, (Ealy Morning Songbirds)
- "Winter" From the Four Seasons (Forest Storm)
- Flower Duet From Lakme (Jungle Birds)
- Arioso, (Lakeside)
- Humoresque, (Birds Flying Around Pond)
- Serenade No. 13 in 'G' K525 Romanze, Andante (Rushing Waves And Gulls)
- Ave Maria, (Bubbling Stream)
- Moonlight Sonata, (Wind in the Trees)
- Air From Suite 3 in D (Songs Of The Humpback Whale)
- Prelude in E Minor (Woodland Birds)
- Beau Soir, (Snow Melt)
- Siciliano, (Forest Drizzle
- Nocturne in C Sharp Minor (Bushveld At Dusk)
- Clair de Lune, (Gentle Open Waves and Seabirds)
- Sheep May Safely Graze (Alpine Meadow)
- Traumerei (Springtime Birds)