"By All Your Saints In Warfare"
by The Schola Cantorum of St. Peter's in the LoopAlbum: Music For The November Feasts
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Music For The November Feasts
Artist: The Schola Cantorum of St. Peter's in the Loop- By All Your Saints In Warfare
- Beati Mundo Corde
- Justorum Animae
- Jerusalem, My Happy Home
- Laudem Dicite
- O Quam Glorisum
- In The Midst Of Earthly Life
- Give Rest, O Christ
- Lord, It Belongs Not To My Care
- In The Resurrection
- Now The Laborer
- Come, Ye Thankful People, Come
- Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord
- Sing To The Lord Of Harvest
- Te Deum Ladamus
- To Jesus Christ Our Sovereign King
- O Kingly Love
- Christin Vincit
- Worthy Art Thou, O Lord
- Hail To The Lord
- Benediction And Seven-Fold Amen
- Crown Him With Many Crowns