"O Heavenly Word, Eternal Light"
by The Schola Cantorum of St. Peter's in the LoopAlbum: Music For Advent II
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Music For Advent II
Artist: The Schola Cantorum of St. Peter's in the Loop- Lo! He Comes With Clouds Descending
- Long Is Our Winter
- O Quickly Come, Great Judge Of All
- O Heavenly Word, Eternal Light
- The Bridegroom Will Be Coming
- Behold, The Bridegroom Comes
- E'en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come
- There's A Voice In The Wilderness Crying
- Regnantem Sempiterna
- Yonder Come Day
- Throughout A World In Shadow
- Jerusalem, Surge
- Vox Clamantis In Deserto
- The Desert Shall Rejoice
- Soon And Very Soon
- O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
- O House Of Ephratha
- Rejoice In The Lord Alway
- Tell Out, My Soul
- Qui Regis Sceptra
- Bethlehem, Make Ready
- To A Maid Engaged To Joseph
- Ecce Virgo Concipiet