You see beyond the masquerade, behind the pretty face / You search beneath my skin, right to my heart / You see the beauty, the love that lives within me and everything I'm meant to be / Cause I can't see it all / But You, You see it all // You see me lovely, You see me beautiful / Past my perception of who I am / You see me worthy, so irreplaceable / More than I think I am / More than I think I am // There were times I tried to hide away from the light of day / Thinking no one could see, see all my pain / And I refused to open, to show that I was broken, afraid You'd turn away / But You, You never leave and now I finally see // Now it's no secret I'm made in Your image / Help me never forget the splendor, and the wonder of who I am in You, in You // You see the beauty in me / You see me lovely / Everything I'm meant to be