"Walk Like Jesus Did (feat. Michael Bleecker)"
by The Village ChurchAlbum: Kids - Blessed Is the Man
We can Walk as Jesus Walked
We can Serve as Jesus Served
We can Love as Jesus Loved
Then will know that were in Him, and from Him, and through Him, and to Him is all of the glory.
I will Forgive as Christ Forgave
Speak truth as He spoke truth
Trust God as Jesus did
Then will know that were in Him, and from Him, and through Him, and to Him is all of the glory.
Let us be the kind of children who look more like Christ each day.
Be changed and healed and grown, always more in every way.
This is how we know that we really are in Him
Whoever claims to live in Jesus, must walk as Jesus did.
Are you in Him? Are you in Him? How do you know?
If you walk like Jesus did.
Are you in Him? Are you in Him? How do you know?
If you walk like Jesus did.
Are you in Him? Are you in Him? How do you know?
If you walk like Jesus did.

Kids - Blessed Is the Man
Artist: The Village Church- Blessed Is the Man (feat. Isaac Wimberley)
- His Glory Is Above (feat. Jeff Capps)
- Look to the Lord (feat. John Warren
- Jesus Is the Light (feat. Jeff Capps)
- To All Who Did Receive Him (feat. Michael Bleecker)
- He Is Always Faithful (feat. Isaac Wimberley)
- He Will Always Be There (feat. Jeff Capps)
- Christ Died for Us (feat. Isaac Wimberley)
- Your Love Is Better (feat. John Warren)
- Walk Like Jesus Did (feat. Michael Bleecker)