Song Lyrics

"Easy To See"

by The Waiting
Album: Unfazed

Oh w-e are easy to see
We're a-ll together

Looking at Y-ou
We're barely bel-ieving
The way that Your f-ace
Can light up an e-vening
All together for a glimpse, o-f You
Trying to be still, while You're moving through us

W-e are easy to see
We're a-ll together
Oh w-e are easy to see
We're a-ll together

Now if You are thr-ough
Finished saying Y-our peace
Could You say it ag-ain
Because we d-on't w-ant to leave
We're resting in the hollow o-f Y-our hand
And it's so much more, than we can stand oh

Every one of us here
Forever to be changed tog-ether
Wearing Y-our n-ame



All together for a glimpse o-f You
Trying to be still, while You're moving through us


We're a-ll togeth-er

We're a-ll, togeth-er

We're barely bel-ieving
The way that Your f-ace
Can light up an e-vening

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