[Verse 1]
Leader: (Hallelujah) - Choir: Hallelujah (Repeat as directed)
Leader: (You are Alpha and Omega) - Choir: Alpha and Omega
Leader: (You’re the one true living Savior) - Choir: One true living Savior
Leader: (There is no one greater) - Choir: There is no one greater
Leader: (Lord You reign forever) - Choir: Lord You reign forever
Repeat Verse 1 (As directed)
[Verse 2]
Leader: (Hallelujah) - Choir: Hallelujah (Repeat as directed)
Leader: (Lord we love You) - Choir: Lord we love You
Leader: (No one like You) - Choir: No one like You
Leader: (Lord we need You) - Choir: Lord we need You
Musical Interlude
Repeat Verse 1 and 2 (as directed)
Music Video