16 Bars to spit with Timothy/ dedicated to Christ, when I die remember me/ but no Glory in me, just remember my works/ and if you still think I'm prideful, then remember I'm dirt (Gen. 2:7)/ and you too, see through all of you people/ discernment from reading the Greek and Hebrew/ life in me now and I'm hatin' the evil (Psalm 97:10)/ but when I walk in myself I smell it like "pee-yuu" (Rom. 7:18)/ you understand, I'm not God I'm just a man/ if you see me shine, it's the Spirit, it's just a tan/ too much Son, you can say I'm just a fan/ it gets hot when I'm givin' Him praise/ out my clothes like my name was King Dave dancin' for days (2 Sam. 6:14)/ sweat drippin'- no beat I seen people dancin' the days/ you know how 'dem saints be'!'/ We peculiar people (Deut. 4:20, 1 Peter 2:9)/ just waitin' for a peculiar sequel/ with tracks in our hands all glad to greet you/ last dollar, we'll be glad to feed you (1 John 3:17)/ just met, and we mad to leave you/ if you saved in those gates I'll be glad to see you!/
Ay Yo, J- What's the deal with cotton candy Christians/ who demand blessings but can't stand afflictions'/ Compared to other things, they barely love the King/ they want to be like Christ but not share in His sufferings (1 Peter 4:13)/ Receive the Savior, or you're more than flawed (John 3:18)/ without the Mediator, your at war with God(Rom 8:7, James 4:4)/ so come impart with the, Humble Carpenter/ He payed the bail so why stay in jail' (John 3:16)/ soon He'll reveal His doom that is real (2 Peter 3:10)/ and you'll be sliced in half by His righteous wrath (Isaiah 65:12,66:16)/ but those choosin' to kneel, by His wounds they'll be healed (1 Peter 2:24)/ and this life will pass when we unite at last (1 Thess. 4:17)/ the Lord is callin' me with Reformed Theology (Gen1:1-Rev.22:21)/ to warn your colony to ignore idolatry (Ex. 20:3,4; Ezek.14:6; 1 Corinthians 10:14)/ He's victorious, so who's the next challenger/ My Bible's sharper than your excalibur (Heb 4:16).
Two of'em like Yosemite Sam/ 'Was'up Doc'' Gospel-shots graze you, Holy holes in your man/ 66 caliber fam', I'm dyin' to stand/ Victorious, I'll die in the stand/ to lift Elohim up, my team buck like young deer/ wild-out for Christ, preach life with no fear!(Acts 21:13)/ Pew punks hate us, we get no cheers/ can't say I never shed no tears/ it's lost souls, I lost foes and I cried the same/ shots took'em, now they cry in the flames/ it's no gain, it's no pain/ like when apart from God/ I lived it breathed to death and tried/ it's suicide/ like Anthrax, man packs death snacks/ cuz when man acts it's like layin' on Amtrack's (Prov. 16:25)/ cuz man's wack, damned to die without Christ (John 3:36)/ in the hottest degrees with no ice, it's yo' life!
Fervent Evangelism is certain to damage rhythms/ beware the serpent is determined to keep man imprisoned (1 Peter 5:8)/ I was wisdom less and mischievous/ now I'm flippin' scripts from Philippians to Leviticus/ When the end is here, you'll hear the trumpeter (Matt 24:31, 1 Thess. 4:16)/ but I never fear cuz I'm near The Comforter (John 14:16)/ but some are (para)'noid because The Son destroys (Matt.10:28)/ but I have abundant joy even when I'm unemployed! (Phil.4:4, 12)/ Satan is cunning (2 Cor.2:11)- your crew is doomed in sin/ but we wait for the coming of New Jerusalem (Rev.21:10)/ God's grace is sufficient (2 Cor. 12:9), that statement's consistent/ His Creation's exquisite (Psalm 104), He's paintin' it vivid/ conceived by The Spirit(Matt.1:18), born with sheep in a stable (Luke 2:7)/ you're completely unable to compete with His angels (Rev. 12:7-8)/ Repent and be Saved! (Acts 17:30)/there's more seats at His table (Rev. 22:17)/ come feast with the faithful (Rev. 19:9), you'll see us eating a plateful!
chorus: Victorious like Joshua blowing the ram's horn! (Joshua 6:5)

The Great Awakening
Artist: Timothy Brindle- The Great Awakening
- Glorious
- My New Life
- Saved By Grace ft Shai Linne
- The Word of God
- Ram s Horn ft J Silas
- It s Obvious
- Vanity Remix
- Total Depravity
- Hell
- Love Music ft Gina Campbell
- Bond Servants ft Shai Linne
- Psalm 51
- Sanctification Intro
- Sanctification ft Shai Linne
- Faulty Doctrine ft Shai Linne
- A letter to My Friends
- Liberation