Lyrics is not yet available.
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Due to lack of resources, we regret to say that we are yet to add the lyrics of this song. If the lyrics is not provided with the official release of a song/album, we usually transcribe them to provide lyrics references as soon as possible. We have a very long list of songs that without lyrics. To help us determine which song to prioritize, kindly LIKE this page or leave a facebook comment at the bottom of this page.
If you have the correct lyrics, please email it to us at We will do our best to add the lyrics you have submitted at the soonest time possible. Thank you.
God has blessed you and He will continue to.

Renovating Diverse City
Artist: TobyMac- Getaway Car Jazzadelic FreeMix
- Getaway Car (Jazzadelic FreeMix)
- Getaway Car - Jazzadelic FreeMix
- The Slam d Dubb Remix featuring Gabriel Patillo Miss Nirva Dorsaint
- The Slam (D Dubb Remix)
- The Slam - D Dubb Remix
- Diverse City Club a dub Remix featuring Byron Chambers Ivan Santiago
- Diverse City (Club-A-Dub Remix)
- Diverse City - Club-A-Dub Remix
- Burn For You Shortwave Radio Mix featuring Christopher Stevens
- Burn For You (Shortwave Radio Mix)
- Burn For You - Shortwave Radio Mix
- Hey Now d Dubb Remix featuring True Emcee Gabriel Patillo Shonlock Tru Dog
- Hey Now (D Dubb Remix)
- Hey Now - D Dubb Remix
- Phenomenon Blanco e Chegro Mix featuring Tricia Brook Deidra Stricklin
- Phenomenon (Blanco E Chegro Mix)
- Phenomenon - Blanco E Chegro Mix
- Gone Long Gone Remix featuring Christopher Stevens
- Gone (Long Gone Remix)
- Gone - Long Gone Remix
- InTRUding Again featuring TobyMac M C Swirl
- InTruding Again
- Catchafire White Rabbit Mix
- Catchafire (White Rabbit Mix)
- Catchafire - White Rabbit Mix
- Ill M I Dutch Mix
- Ill-M-I (Dutch Remix)
- Ill-M-I - Dutch Remix
- Atmosphere Ambiente Mix featuring Liquid
- Atmosphere (Ambiente Mix)
- Atmosphere - Ambiente Mix
- West Coast Kid featuring Liquid
- West Coast Kid
- Burn For You Cat Paw Remix
- Burn For You (Cat Paw Remix)
- Burn For You - Cat Paw Remix