Lyrics is not yet available.
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Due to lack of resources, we regret to say that we are yet to add the lyrics of this song. If the lyrics is not provided with the official release of a song/album, we usually transcribe them to provide lyrics references as soon as possible. We have a very long list of songs that without lyrics. To help us determine which song to prioritize, kindly LIKE this page or leave a facebook comment at the bottom of this page.
If you have the correct lyrics, please email it to us at We will do our best to add the lyrics you have submitted at the soonest time possible. Thank you.
God has blessed you and He will continue to.

Bible Stories for Children
Artist: Tom Sweeney- God Creates the World
- Adam and Eve
- God Promised a Redeemer
- Noah and the Ark
- God Renews His Promise to Jacob
- God Protects Joseph
- Moses
- The First Passover
- God Guides His People Through the Red Sea
- The Ten Commandments
- Jericho Is Conquered
- The Promised Land
- Samson
- God Calls Samuel
- God Chooses Saul
- David and Goliath
- The Ark of the Covenant
- King Solomon
- King Solomon's Wisdom
- Elijah
- Isaiah
- Into Exile
- Daniel in the Lion
- The Annunciation
- Jesus Is Born
- The Three Wise Men
- Jesus Speaks with the Teachers
- The Marriage Feast at Caana
- Jesus Heals the Cripple
- The Twelve Apostles
- The Sermon on the Mount
- Jesus Raises the Widow
- The Daughter of Jairus
- The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes
- Jesus Shows His Glory
- Jesus Blesses the Children
- Jesus Teaches Love for Neighbour
- Jesus Enters Jerusalem
- The Last Supper
- Jesus Is Scourged and Crowned with Thorns
- Jesus Is Condemned to Death
- Jesus Dies on the Cross
- The Resurrection
- Jesus Appears to the Women
- Jesus Appears to Thomas
- Jesus Ascends to Heaven
- The Holy Spirit and Pentecost
- Jesus Left Us His Church