Before He put that first breath into man
My God, He had the perfect master plan
Good news, good news was on its way
In our own strength we had run far away
Empty, hopeless and oh so afraid,
Then like the prophet said, God had made a way
I love this story, in all of its glory
When Jesus, He came to earth,
Came to set the sinners free
I love this old story 'cause now it's my
Personal testimony
Jesus, He died and He rose and now He
Lives inside of me
All of hell thought death could hold Him down
But Easter morning they all heard a sound
They all heard Mary say the stone's been rolled away
Now all my sins, they have been washed away
His Spirit guides me every night and day
Oh yes, and one more thing,
Someday with Him I'll fly away
Praise Him, praise Him, praise Him
Praise the Lamb for sinners slain
Praise Him, praise Him, praise Him
His blood can wash away each stain

Anthology (1991-2002) (Disc 1)
Artist: Tommy Walker- We Say Yes
- There Is a Rock
- He Lives
- Sweet Presence of Jesus
- Don t Forget His Benefits
- Revival Down in My Heart
- No Greater Love
- I Love This Story
- There ll Always Be
- Great Redeemer
- Here I Am Again
- Everyone Arise
- Show Your Glory
- Great I Am
- Holy Spirit Song
- Mourning Into Dancing
- Joy Joy Joy
- His Love Endures Forever
- Yes We All Agree
- Thanks Again