"The Easter Vigil: Like a Deer"
by Tony AlonsoAlbum: The Lyric Psalter: Solemnities, Feasts and Other O
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The Lyric Psalter: Solemnities, Feasts and Other O
Artist: Tony Alonso- The Nativity of the Lord: Vigil
- The Nativity of the Lord: Night
- The Nativity of the Lord: Dawn
- The Nativity of the Lord: Day
- Mary, the Holy Mother of God: January 1
- Ash Wednesday
- The Chrism Mass: Holy Thursday
- Thursday of the Lord's Supper
- Friday of the Passion of the Lord
- The Easter Vigil: Lord, Send Out Your Spirit
- The Easter Vigil: The Earth Is Full
- The Easter Vigil: You Are My Inheritance
- The Easter Vigil: Let Us Sing to the Lord
- The Easter Vigil: I Will Praise You, Lord
- The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Year B
- The Easter Vigil: Lord, You Have the Words
- The Easter Vigil: Like a Deer
- The Easter Vigil: Create in Me
- The Ascension of the Lord at Mass: During the Day
- The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Year A
- The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Year C
- The Presentation of the Lord
- St. Joseph
- Annunciation
- Nativity of St. John the Baptist: Vigil
- Nativity of St. John the Baptist: During the Day
- Sts. Peter and Paul: Vigil
- Sts. Peter and Paul: During the Day
- Independence Day
- Transfiguration
- Assumption: Vigil
- Assumption: During the Day
- Labor Day
- Exaltation of the Holy Cross
- All Saints
- All Souls' Day
- Dedication of the Lateran Basillca
- Thanksgiving Day: Psalm 113
- Thanksgiving Day: Psalm 138
- Thanksgiving Day: Psalm 145
- Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary