You think it's alright to destroy God's creation
They don't have a voice so who cares how we're treating them here
If you read his word you should know that he blessed them
I know your defense is to say "God said dominate them"
Do you think dominate means to kill just for sport'
Wear the fur from their backs, train them for circus acts'
Take our pets to be gassed once their "cute" age has passed'
Don't you see in their eyes how they trust us'
But man in his sin turns that trust into horrible pain
When God says to man give account of you life's work
We must be prepared to reply "Your creation I loved"
Locked behind steel cage
Forced to take drugs we've made
Cut them up just to show
What we already know
Brilliant scientific enterprise
The altruistic benefit of humanity justifies
A white lab coat represents the icon
Eradicate disease, the pedestal it stands on
lies shattered on the floor
Just another day, the dead half a million lay
Your taxes will foot the bill, supply animals to kill
Before they die...
Who will hear them cry'

Intense Live Series Vol. 2
Artist: Tourniquet- Phantom Limb
- Medley Ark of Suffering Stereotaxic Attrocities
- Whitewashed Tomb
- The Skeezix Dilemma
- The Tempter Trouble cover
- The Messiah Bloodgood cover