The cry went out long ago,
The cry went out to empty souls,
Things don't change like you think they do,
The cry still goes out to me and you.
Is anyone thirsty'
Is anyone thirsty'
Is anyone thirsty'
Is anyone thirsty'
The cry went out to a thirsty crowd,
God stood up and cried out loud,
'If anyone, then, will come to me, I can turn his life around for free, for free.'
Is anyone thirsty'
Is anyone thirsty'
Is anyone thirsty'
Is anyone thirsty'
The cry went out years ago, but who gets hurt if you say no'
Well, you can come and drink, or you can turn and go,
But tell me, who gets hurt if you say no'
Don't say no.
Is anyone thirsty'
Is anyone thirsty'
Is anyone thirsty'
Is anyone thirsty'