"How Great Thou Art"
by Various Artists - General MiscellaneousAlbum: Country Gospel Favorites: How Great Thou Art
Oh Lord my God When I in awesome wonder
Consider all The worlds thy hands have made
I see the stars I hear the rolling thunder
Thy power through out The universe displayed
And when I think Of God His Son not sparing
Sent Him to die I scarce can take it in
That on the cross My burden gladly bearing
You bled and died To take away my sin
Then sings my soul My savior God to Thee
How great Thou art How great Thou art
Then sings my soul My savior God to Thee
How great Thou art How great Thou art
When Christ shall come With shouts of acclamation
And take me home What joy shall fill my heart'
Then I will bow In Humble adoration
And there proclaim My God how great You are

Country Gospel Favorites: How Great Thou Art
Artist: Various Artists - General Miscellaneous- How Great Thou Art
- Life s Railway to Heaven Lacy J Dalton
- Jesus Loevs Me Mark Gray
- When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder Jim Ed Brown
- I ll Fly Away Gatlin Brothers
- You Can t Be a Beacon If Your Light Don t Shine Donna Fargo
- If Jesus Came into Your House Porter Wagoner
- Amazing Grace Lee Greenwood
- Lean on Me Deborah Allen
- Sofly and Tenderly Brenda Lee
- Love Lifted Me Eddy Raven
- Jesus Is Your Ticket to Heaven Connie Smith
- Will the Circle Be Unbroken
- I Saw the Light Mickey Gilley