Do What You Gotta Do
Jn 11.45-47
Seems to me you've got quite a problem here
This magic man has got these stupid urchins by the ear
Don't be a fool, Kai, and let this guy become a hero
Control him now or I'll become the nightmare that you fear
You better hear me - you gotta do what you gotta do
Better fear me - you gotta do what you gotta do
You like to think that you don't really work for ICON
But you owe me now for every little favor that I've done
You grease my palm - I'll let you run your tiny neighborhood
It's dirty money and I'll turn my head 'til every cent is gone
(Repeat chorus)
Better listen - gotta do what I gotta do
Better fear him - I gotta do what I gotta do
Perhaps, Devlin, what we need is a spy.