I don't know.
Why, O Lord, do the evil seem to win'
See them, Lord.
Though they sin,
they have wealth, they have no ills.
They are healthy, they are strong.
Lord: they prosper from their wrong!
I don't know.
Help me, Lord,
to understand.
Help me, Lord.
Lord, my feet almost slipped as I beheld
how they lived,
without care '
'Tis in vain, O Lord, that I've kept my heart in purity
when my days are misery'
I don't know.
Help me, Lord,
to understand.
Yet, O Lord,
as I prayed, understanding came to me.
And I knew
of their fate.
They will pass away like dreams,
while the faithful dwell with You.
You're our strength. You're all that's true!
So my God,
I will stay
close to You.
For you are
my strength

Word Of God Spek: Hope
Artist: Various Artists - Worship- Heavens Declare Psalm 19 1 4 7 9
- It Will Not Come Near You Psalm 91 1 2 5 7
- Do Not Be Anxious Phillipians 4 6 7
- Cast Thy Burden Psalm 55 16 17 22
- Fear the Lord Psalm 34 9 17 18
- God Is the Strength Psalm 73 25 26 28
- Lord Is Your Keeper Psalm 121
- Lift Up Your Heads Psalms 24 7 10
- He Will Not Leave You 1 Chronicles 28 20
- All His Benefits Psalm 103 2 5
- Hope Does Not Disappoint Romans 5 4 5 8 24 25
- Wings Like Eagles Isaiah 40 29 31