"Here I Am To Worship Phil Wickham"
by Various Artists - WorshipAlbum: Top 25 Praise Songs: 2005 Edition (Disc 1)
Light of the world
You step down into darkness
Open my eyes, let me s-ee
Beauty that made, this heart adore You
Hope of a life spent with Y-ou
Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that, You're my God
You're altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful t-o me
King of all days
You're so highly exalted
Glorious in heaven ab-ove
Humbly You came to the Earth You created
All for love's sake became p-oor
I'll n-ever know, how much it cost
To s-ee my sin, up on that cross
I'll n-ever know, how much it c-ost
(Here I am to worship)
Here I a-m
(Here I am to bow down)
Here I a-m
(Here I am to say that, You're my God)
You are my G-od
(You're altogether lovely)
You're lovely
(Altogether worthy)
You're worth-y yeah
(Altogether wonderful to me)
You're wonderful, wonderful to m-e yeah
(Here I am to worship)
(Here I am to bow down)
(Here I am to say that, You're my God)
You are my G-od
(You're altogether lovely)
(Altogether worthy)
O-h You're altogether worth-y
(Altogether wonderful t-o me)
I'll n-ever know, how much it cost
To s-ee my sin, up on that cross

Top 25 Praise Songs: 2005 Edition (Disc 1)
Artist: Various Artists - Worship- Open The Eyes Of My Heart Tim Timmons
- Lord I Lift Your Name On High Aaron Gayden
- Shout To The Lord Brandi Holbein
- Here I Am To Worship Phil Wickham
- Come Now Is The Time To Worship Joshua Chavez
- Breathe Pete Shambrook
- You Are My King Lyndsey Wallace
- God Of Wonders Scott Reed
- You Are My All In All Aaron Gayden
- The Heart Of Worship Victor Perez
- Forever Dan Smith
- Above All Scott Reed