The name of the Lord be lifted up / The name of the King be glorified / Your banner above the earth is great / Your love for Your people deep and wide / Beautiful Jesus how can I not sing to You / Beautiful Jesus how can I not sing to You // You have opened up my mouth to tell all that You have done / What kind of love is this that You gave Your only Son / Beautiful Jesus how can I not sing to You / Beautiful Jesus how can I not sing to You // How can I not sing praise to Jesus Who delivered me / How can I not sing praise for my Redeemer rescued me / How can I not sing praise to Jesus Who delivered me / How can I not sing praise for my Redeemer rescued me

Cover the Earth
Artist: Various Artists - Worship- Count It All Joy
- Jesus Thank You
- All Creation
- I Am Free
- Overflow
- Beautiful Mystery
- Not Unto Us
- You ve Won My Affection
- How Can I Not Sing
- Greatness Of You
- Revelation Song
- Bound
- Chasing After You
- Let The Church Rise
- May the Words of My Mouth
- Cover The Earth
- Jesus Is
- Love The Lord
- We Have Come to Praise
- Song That I Sing
- Let Your Kingdom Come
- God Is Our Refuge
- I Will Sing
- Magnificent
- Majesty