Blessed are You, Father, sender of the rains
Ruler of the earth and all that it contains
Maker of the seasons who's declarations stand
The heavens hear Your voice obeying each command
You are the Lord of all the earth
The God who reigns on high
You are the Lord of all the earth
The God we glorify
Blessed are You, Jesus, Holy Son of God
Captain of salvation, glory of the Lord
Everlasting ruler, bread of lasting life
Jesus the Redeemer, Holy Prince of Life
Blessed Holy Spirit, breath of Holy God
Spirit of Jesus, comforter of God
Spirit of wisdom, spirit of might
Revealing, understanding of He who sends the light
Worship the Lord
There are five distinctively divine attributes, which each person of the
Godhead possesses. These are eternity, omnipresence, omniscience,
omnipotence, and immutability. We worship the triune God, the Creator
and Lord of all things. May our prayers be that He keep us truly
devoted to pleasing Him. To get our eyes off of what is temporal and of
no lasting value, and keep our eyes only on those things of eternal

50 Worship Anthems (Disc 3)
Artist: Various Artists - Worship- Resurrection Hymn
- Take Us To The River
- Praise the Might Name of Jesus
- Everything
- The Voice Of Hope
- I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever
- Enough
- Everything I Have Comes From You
- In Your Name
- Lord Of All the Earth
- Just One Touch From The King
- Lost In Wonder
- Who Is There Like You
- O Church Arise
- You Reign
- The Heart Of Worship