"Shout Your Fame Hillsong London"
by Various Artists - WorshipAlbum: The Best Worship Songs in the World (disc 1)
Verse 1:
Some say You're just a good man
Some say You were kind
Some say You are in the grave
But I say You're alive
Verse 2:
Some say You're just a prophet
Some say You were wise
Some say You were just a man
But I say You are God
You are my God
Chorus 1:
I will shout Your fame to all the earth
I will lift Your name on high
And the world will know Your greatness
You are my God
I will shout Your fame
Verse 3:
I know You're the Messiah
You gave Your life for me
And I know You're the only way
Jesus You are God
You are my God
Chorus 2:
I will shout Your fame to all the earth
I will lift Your name on high
I will show the world Your greatness
You are my God, Jesus I will
Shout Your fame to all the earth
I will lift Your name on high
I will show the world Your goodness
As I live a life that shouts Your fame
As I live a life that shouts Your fame
Jesus I decide to live
Live a life that shouts Your fame
Shout Your fame (4x)
Shout Your fame
Shout Your fame
Shout Your fame
Shout Your fame

The Best Worship Songs in the World (disc 1)
Artist: Various Artists - Worship- Shout Your Fame Hillsong London
- Majestic Lincoln Brewster
- Rain Down Hillsong Delirious
- Not Forgotten Israel and New Breed
- You Shine Brian Doerksen
- Open The Eyes Of My Heart Oslo Gospel Choir
- All The Earth Will Sing Your Praises Paul Baloche
- All The Earth Parachute Band
- At The Foot Of The Cross Ashes to Beauty Kathryn Scott
- Worthy Is The Lamb Hillsong
- Still Be Still and Know Don Moen
- Days of Elijah Robin Mark
- Here I Am To Worship Eoghan Heaslip