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Gospel Connect, Vol. 3
Artist: Various artists- Miracle Rain
- Redemption Dance
- Idi Mma
- Lift The Name
- Lamb of God
- Chante Hallelujah
- Even If The Sky Is Falling
- Arugbo Ojo
- Heart Cry
- I Fly
- So Good
- Unchanging God
- My God Is Good
- Baba Na You
- Ekele (Thanksgiving)
- Jesus Everywhere
- Wetin You No Fit Do
- Very Big God
- Sweet Love
- On My Way
- Miracle Working God
- Koseni To Dabire
- Awesome God
- My Praise
- Oba Awon Oba
- Gba Aiye Mi
- Without Borders
- You Are Holy
- Alpha
- Manifest Your Power
- You Are Great
- Precious Jesus
- Big God (Joyous Celebration)
- Turned My Life Around
- Arabaribiti
- Wekobiro (Well Done)
- Chukwu Okike
- Eseun
- Omo Jesu
- Ebube Dike (Almighty Warrior)
- Nobody Greater Eyin L'Oba
- Nagode
- None Like You
- You Are Wonderful
- Shout Halleluyah
- Igwe
- Toh Marvelous
- You Alone Are Worthy
- Lifted
- Defender