(Here I am)
(Da-da da da)
So here I am to worship
(Da-da da da)
L-ight of the world
You step d-own into darkness
O-pen my eyes, let me s-ee
B-eauty that made, this h-eart adore You
Hope of a life spent with Y-ou
So here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're all together lovely
All together worthy
All together wonderful to me
Oh yeah
So here I am
So here I am to worship
(Da-da da da)
(Da-da da da)
(Da-da da da)
K-ing of all d-ays oh so h-ighly exalted
Gl-orius in h-eaven a-b-ove
H-umbly You came, to the E-arth You created
A-ll for love's sake, bec-ame p-oor
Wonderful to me yeah
Mmm-mmm yeah
O-oh oh
And I'll never know, how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cr-oss
And I'll never know how much it cost y-eah
(Ooo-ooo y-eah yeah)
So here I am to worship
So here I am
So here I am to worship

Sonic Praise: Here I Am To Worship
Artist: Various Artists- Awesome God Pam Thum
- Here I Am To Worship Rachel Beasley
- You re Worthy Of My Praise Michelle Swift
- Forever Marcia Ware
- You Are Holy Prince Of Peace Terry White
- This Little Light Of Mine Marcia Ware
- You Are Good Leigh Cappillino
- All Things Are Possible Michelle Swift
- Lord Reign In Me Kari Kimmel
- You Are My King Christi Roby Matens
- Trading My Sorrows Felicia Sorensen
- Come Now Is The Time To Worship Lisa Bevill