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Journeysongs Third Edition: Volume 15
Artist: Various artists- The King of Glory
- Alma Redemptoris Mater
- Sing of Mary
- Let It Be Done to Us
- Mary's Song
- Mary
- Sing We of the Blessed Mother
- Pilgrim Prayer
- Mary, Woman of the Promise
- There Is Nothing Told
- On This Day, O Beautiful Mother
- Hail Mary: Gentle Woman
- Song of Mary
- Ave Maria
- O Sanctissima
- Salve, Regina
- Holy Is His Name
- In His Temple Now Behold Him
- Holy Patron, Thee Saluting
- Come Now, And Praise the Humble Saint
- A Just Man Honored from Above
- Praise We the Lord This Day
- The God Whom Earth and Sea and Sky
- The Great Forerunner of the Morn
- Two Noble Saints
- Transfiguration
- 'Tis Good, Lord, To Be Here
- Hail, Holy Queen
- Bright as the Sun, Fair as the Moon
- Lift High the Cross